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5 2: Prepare a Post-Closing Trial Balance Business LibreTexts

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Accounting Course for more. After posting the above entries, all the nominal accounts would zero-out, hence the term “closing entries”. The next step of the accounting cycle is to prepare the reversing entries for the beginning of the next accounting cycle. It is also a non-formal statement that does not form a part of the formal financial statements of a business.

  • This is a reminder that the income statement itself does not organize information into debits and credits, but we do use this presentation on a 10-column worksheet.
  • Much of our research comes from leading organizations in the climate space, such as Project Drawdown and the International Energy Agency (IEA).
  • Additionally, a post-closing trial balance can be used to check the accuracy of financial statements, as it lists all the accounts with their updated balances after the closing entries have been made.
  • Thus, such an error would result in two accounts with incorrect balances.
  • In these columns we record all asset, liability, and equity accounts.

A trial balance sheet is an internal report that you prepare to ensure that all the journal entries in your ledger are correctly balanced. That is, the total dollar amount of debit and credit balances in each of the accounts must match at the end of the financial period. It is important for your business to prepare the trial balance sheet. This is because a correct trial balance statement helps you in preparing basic financial statements including the income statement and the balance sheet. Thus, there is no need for you to go through each of the ledger accounts while preparing financial statements.

The Importance of Understanding How to Complete the Accounting

The word “post” in this
instance means “after.” You are preparing a trial balance
after the closing entries are
complete. The ninth, and typically final, step of the process is to prepare a post-closing trial balance. The word “post” in this instance means “after.” You are preparing a trial balance after the closing entries are complete. The unadjusted trial balance is the first trial balance that you’ll prepare, and it should be completed after all entries for the accounting period have been completed.

This balance is transferred to the Cash account in the debit column on the unadjusted trial balance. Accounts Payable ($500), Unearned Revenue ($4,000), Common Stock ($20,000) and Service Revenue ($9,500) all have credit final balances in their T-accounts. These credit balances would transfer to the credit column on the unadjusted trial balance. It is important for you as a business to tally your trial balance sheet. This means that both the debit and the credit journal entries for each of your financial transactions have been recorded correctly.

  • We do not cover reversing entries in
    this chapter, but you might approach the subject in future
    accounting courses.
  • A trial balance is prepared during the accounting period, usually at the end of each month, quarter, or year.
  • Besides such an error, there are other errors that you must rectify.

The trial balance information for Printing Plus is shown previously. If we go back and look at the trial balance for Printing Plus, we see that the trial balance shows debits and credits equal to $34,000. Remember that the balance sheet represents the accounting equation, where assets equal liabilities plus stockholders’ equity. Each month, you prepare a trial balance showing your company’s position. After preparing your trial balance this month, you discover that it does not balance.

After a company posts its day-to-day journal entries, it can begin transferring that information to the trial balance columns of the 10-column worksheet. You prepare an adjusted trial balance to verify the accuracy of posting into the general ledger accounts. Thus, an adjusted trial balance is the second trial balance in the accounting process.

Module 4: Completing the Accounting Cycle

Unadjusted trial balance – This is prepared after journalizing transactions and posting them to the ledger. Its purpose is to test the equality between debits and credits after the recording phase. Once all closing entries are complete, the information is transferred to the general ledger and the post-closing trial balance is complete.

What is the Post-closing Trial Balance?

Students often ask why they need to do all of these
steps by hand in their introductory class, particularly if they are
never going to be an accountant. If you have
never followed the full process from beginning to end, you will
never understand how one of your decisions can impact the final
numbers that appear on your financial statements. You will not
understand how your decisions can affect the outcome of your
company. Like all trial balances, the post-closing trial balance has the
job of verifying that the debit and credit totals are equal. The
post-closing trial balance has one additional job that the other
trial balances do not have.

Free Debits and Credits Cheat Sheet

Since there are several types of errors that trial balances fail to uncover, each closing entry must be journalized and posted carefully. At the bottom of the debit balance and credit balance columns will be a total for each. When accounting software is used, the totals should always be identical. While all of the adjusting entries for ABC Business are reflected in the adjusted trial balance, we still need to do some closing entries before running the post-closing trial balance. For example, an unadjusted trial balance is always run before recording any month-end adjustments.

Thus, the post-closing trial balance is only useful if the accountant is manually preparing accounting information. For this reason, most procedures for closing the books do not include a step for printing and reviewing the post-closing trial balance. Finally, when the new accounting period is about to begin, you would run the post-closing trial balance, which reflects your totals going forward into the new accounting period. All trial balance reports are run to make sure that debits and credits remain in balance. Since temporary accounts are already closed at this point, the post-closing trial balance will not include income, expense, and withdrawal accounts. It will only include balance sheet accounts, a.k.a. real or permanent accounts.

You prepare such a statement to verify whether the debit balances of accounts equate to their credit balances. Once you prepare the adjusted trial balance, the balances of some of the items in the unadjusted trial balance would change. This process resets the temporary accounts to zero and prepares them for the next accounting period. Such a summary helps you to locate journal entries in the original books of accounts.

2: Prepare a Post-Closing Trial Balance

This net income figure is used to prepare the statement of retained earnings. Notice that this trial balance looks almost exactly like the Paul’s balance sheet except in trial balance format. This is because only balance sheet accounts are have balances after closing entries have been made.

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