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Pascal is a fast, zero-fee, scalable and totally decentralized multi-purpose blockchain designed for payments, data operations and layer-2 applications. Pascal provides an operation called OP_DATA that allow an account to send a data packet to another account. Encryption modes include ECIES encryption using sender or recipient key, or AES using a shared secret. These data packets are 255 bytes in length and include a 16 byte GUID key and 16 bit Sequence field that can be used to group packets into a larger logical data-stream. This approach provides a clear enveloping capability for Layer-2 protocols much in the same way that TCP/IP envelopes HTTP in networking.

  1. Typically, in a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, a merchant accepting an unconfirmed (0-confirmation) transaction is at risk of a double-spend attack.
  2. If someone manages to get 1 block, he receives 5 new accounts, one of which earned coins.
  3. Implementing this infinitely scalable smart contract platform as a Layer-2 architecture is the focus of version 5 and a whitepaper add-on for this development will be released shortly.

The ability to verify the aggregated proof-of-work of the entire blockchain without needing the blockchain is the primary innovation of Pascal and the reason why the Pascal blockchain can be deleted. Below you can download the Whitepaper which goes into greater detail on the inner workings of Pascal, including the groundbreaking SafeBox technology. Pascal coin has its wallet software, which can be downloaded from its official website. According to the developers, the maximum size of the SafeBox is up to 500 MB. There is a full C# implementation of PascalCoin being developed by Sphere 10 software called NPascalCoin. It currently supports the JSON-RPC API with plans for network protocol.

As a result, Pascal has a strong privacy roadmap that has already been partially rolled out. Accounts can transfer data between themselves, securely pascal coin value and privately without bloating the blockchain. Supports smart-agents, monetized APIs, embedded-chains and (soon) proof-of-stake overlay network.

More details on the larger block size are given in the next section about the theoretical limit of transactions per second. The network throughput of Pascal and a traditional blockchain is similar because the net propagation speed is calculated based on the amount of bytes needed to communicate operations between nodes. The verification throughput of Pascal and a traditional blockchain are also similar. However, the blockchain throughput for Pascal is on an entirely different level thanks to Pascal’s larger block size and its differing mechanism for double spend protection.

Data Types

This yields the 72,000 transactions per second as a theoretical limit. The infinite scalability of Pascal’s Layer-1 will extend to Pascal’s Layer-2 as well. This Layer-2 architecture is designed in which the computation is separate from consensus, in effect removing any bottleneck. To be precise, the speed and scalability of Layer-2 smart contracts are fully independent of Pascal’s network. Horizontal scaling also exists in this paradigm as there is no interdependence between smart contracts and states are not managed by side-chains.

Pascal Links

Data-operations into the message-queue serve as “requests” and similarly, data-operation from the message-queue serve as “responses”. Since requests and responses contain data and monetary value, a monetized API system is created. Monetized APIs are already in deployment such as, which receives requests containing a public key and responds by sending an account to that key. Similarly, an entire class of “smart-agent” applications are currently enabled by Pascal’s SafeBox architecture.

Your wallet is ready to go but you need your first Pascal account (PASA). Pascal was designed and written from scratch in the Pascal programming language without copying a line of code from any other project. The development team, led by Albert Molina, are mature, exceptional developers with proven track records of delivering high-quality software.

This allows users to send and receive funds to and from their email addresses, social media monikers, business and brand name, etc. The only alternative left to the attacker is to collude with a miner to secretly mine the double-spend transaction. Since this class of attack is “industrial scale”, it’s beyond the domain of the ordinary thief but well within the risk-tolerance of everyday merchants. However, as always, transactions involving large amounts should always wait a commensurate number of block confirmations.

But how would one purchase a PASA using Pascal in the first place if one cannot obtain Pascal without a PASA? There are many methods – some finished and some unfinished – to obtain a first PASA which may be free depending on the method used. With a layer-2 implementation, Pascal’s scalability will be enhanced even further. More information on Pascal’s layer-2 specifications will be released shortly. 100% original codebase and architecture, unlike most other coins that just copy-pasted Bitcoin, Cryptonote or Ethereum.

JSON RPC Standard 2.0

And the SafeBox contains a checksum created as an aggregate hash of all Account Segment hashes. This value is known as the SafeBox Hash and is attached after the last Account Segment in the SafeBox. However, blocks in the blockchain are not directly linked to the previous blocks. Blocks are referencing the SafeBox Hash, that is linked to the previous block via the account segments stored in it.

Download the Pascal Wallet Software

This would result in a fast, cheap, seamless and genuine anonymity for Pascal users. • If one falls to a state-attack, the worst case is that he would simply need to re-download a longer segment of the Pascal blockchain history and recover his balance(s). The state-attacker would be stuck with invalid balances unless he continues to fool others.


Each block header makes a hash commitment to the previous SafeBox state (i.e. the state of all accounts at that point in time) and also the previous block header. In this manner, the state and its evolution are preserved by using the difficulties in the block headers; the total work used to evolve that state can then be calculated. Pascal’s SafeBox architecture allows accounts to transfer data between themselves in a secure and private manner. This is possible due to the ability to attach a 256-byte payload to each transaction.

This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. The theoretical upper limit for Pascal’s total throughput is the minimum of the network throughput, verification throughput, and blockchain throughput. This minimum amounts to 72,000 transactions per second assuming the network and verification throughputs are infinite. In Pascal version 1, users could transfer PASC privately using a PASA-exchanging approach.

For transactions of significant value, we recommend a reasonable number of confirmations before considering a payment as cleared. Pascal supports the full 3rd party integration capability including offline coldwallet operation signing. A “Transaction” in Pascal is a type of operation that transfers funds between accounts. • Smart contracts can be developed in any language and target any platform, since smart contract execution and consensus are separate concerns. • Since side-chains are pinned to PASAs, they are intrinsically sharded. Inter-shard communication would simply be transactions between PASAs.

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