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Deal Origination Investment Banking

Deal origination in investment banking is a crucial process that aids private venture capital and equity firms discover, connect and close deals. This process, also referred to as deal sourcing is essential for these firms to have a full pipeline of deals. It can be achieved using traditional or online approaches.

The most popular methods for finding investment opportunities involve networking with both industry specialists and entrepreneurs, who can provide unreleased information regarding the company’s owner’s plans to sell their business in the near future. In addition to this it is crucial for companies that invest to be aware of the latest trends and developments in the industry so that they can anticipate what their competitors are doing in the market.

Many modern investment banks use technology solutions to accelerate the deal sourcing process, including advanced data analytics, purpose-built digital tools and artificial intelligence. This allows teams to better know their market, streamline business processes, turn data into proprietary advantage. Private company intelligence platforms and data services are an essential to this, as they enable professionals to discover and investigate potential investment opportunities using verified, relevant information about businesses.

Certain investment banks have their own deal sourcing team in-house made up of finance professionals, whereas others have outsourced this function to specialist contractors. These team members are paid on a fee-for- service basis in both cases.

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